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Janet Becker Competition

Evolution - Any process of formation or growth; development.


The form of the house is an evolution of a St. Louis housing vernacular: Front porch with gabled roof facing the street.    

   o    A modern interpretation that maintains a sense of the vernacular, yet responds to it’s specific site conditions.      

   o    The porch remains at its typical height off the street and a side balcony is provided for an expanded connection to the outdoors.


The plan is an evolution of the same housing vernacular: Public spaces face the street; private functions are tucked away to provide security and privacy.    

   o    The front porch remains private while maintaining views to the street.    

   o    Bedrooms were developed with mini patios for privacy and security.


Universal design is a process of evolution through which the owner manipulates his/her spaces according to their habits and abilities throughout their life.    

   o    The excavation materials from the lower level are re-used as a 1:12 walkway/drive for at grade access into the main entry.    

   o    Fully adjustable cabinetry allows EASY ACCESS FOR people of any shape, size or ability.    

   o    An optional lift area is provided for present or future needs of the owner.    

   o    Five-foot turning radii are provided in each space for ease of movement.


Affordability:  The idea of inexpensive/low cost housing can evolve into the idea of lifetime costs through the reduction of fossil fuel usage.    

   o    This house stretches across the East/West axis of the site to give it optimum passive solar heating opportunities.    

   o    Solar water heating panels are provided for domestic hot water and hydronic floor heating.

Architect st louis metro east

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