Audubon Center at Riverlands
Rendering by Mike Reardon
The mission of The Audubon Center at Riverlands is to connect people to the beauty and significance of the Mississippi River and the Great Rivers confluence, to inspire conservation of the river’s rich diversity in birds, wildlife and other natural resources, and to support healthy, vibrant communities.
The Audubon Center is located on 3,700 acres of restored prairie marsh and forest at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary. The center building features an expansive view of the Mississippi River. Located within a designated Important Bird Area in the heart of one of the most significant flyways in the world ... the Mississippi River.
Designed while working at Trivers Associates
Designed while working at Trivers Associates
Designed while working at Trivers Associates
Designed while working at Trivers Associates
Designed while working at Trivers Associates
Designed while working at Trivers Associates
Designed while working at Trivers Associates